Earring Weight Guide

Earring weight is relative, and involves many factors including:

  • sensitivity of the wearer

  • age of wearer

  • the design

For example, take the blocking system of a design. A design of a certain weight can have a wide contact surface close to the earlobe, or it can have a different weight distribution in different points of the design, or that same weight could be on a dangling earring like a pendulum.

Accordingly, my heavier designs are an equal surface weight distribution and are secured to the ear via a flat post design.

Please remember that weight endurance is a personal preference. There will never be any hard and fast rules. Below is the guide I have created from my own experience as a jeweller after interacting with customers over many years.


1-4  GRAMS featherweight

this range is practical for those highly sensitive to earring weight

4-8 GRAMS lightweight 

a comfortable maximum weight for all-day wear

8-10 GRAMS medium weight 

a bit heavier than most all-day wear earrings but still comfortable by our standards

10+ GRAMS  heavy 

for the brave. Too heavy for all-day wear, best suited for a night out or special occasion and not all-day wear except for those who desire to make a statement


These are Australian coin currency weights to assist in comparing with other jewellery items that you may already wear.

5c coin = 2.8g     |  10c coin = 5.6g   |   20c coin = 11.5g

50c coin = 15.5g  |  $1 coin = 9.1g      |  $2 coin = 6.6g