Wombat : Echidna : Magpie : Dragonfly : Twin snakes : Spider : Kangaroo : Pelican : Kookaburra : Koala : Cockatoos : Eagle

“ Awaken and re-remember’ who and what you truly are.”

There are a number of ways to select which animal ally is resonant for this stage of your life journey, self-empowerment and spiritual unfurling. Presently the pieces focus on 12 iconic indigenous animals from the Central Highlands of Victoria.

It is recognised that the chakras share information regarding imbalances in your body on all levels. They are also portal gates to realms of deep self-awareness and expansion. It is impossible to create a one size fits most guidance system, afterall... this is magick and nature wonderment.

That said, to make it easier we have shared a few ways in which this can be achieved.




There are three animal allies presently available and they represent the lower chakras and portal gates.

According to many guides and spiritual teachings, the lower portals are the ones that hold most of us captive in their shadow aspects.

This is due to ancestral and past life patterns, as well as early childhood experiences and karmic baggage. Working on feeling safe to undertake your spiritual unfurling cannot be emphasised enough. This is why the first three animal allies are the most important; they will be released with plenty of time for them to be integrated into your reality, before allies that represent the higher chakras are released. Examples of areas that the Allies can assist are:

>> shadow acceptance and integration

>> connection to higher and inner realms and states of being

>> enhanced perception and insight into the truth of self “rewilding”

>> guidance to know self and support in awakening to path, passion & purpose


You may feel a strong pull toward a certain animal ally without even knowing much about its medicine. You just know it is the one for you. Always trust your intuition or gut feelings, as it is a sign of your higher self pushing you in the most aligned direction for your soul's expansion and self awareness. You may find you connect with a particular animal as a POWER ANIMAL, to support you for your entire life adventure, or as an ANIMAL ALLY that you align with as a guide to support you through a particular stage of your journey. When choosing your ally, be mindful that intuition always trumps other methods of selection.

Please be mindful that nothing in nature is fixed, that this guide is fluid and if your birthdate is close to a neighbouring ally, you may feel more aligned with that one. Cusp signs may require intuition to guide them as time is nonlinear, it is a spiral dance, fluid and fleeting. There is no direct edge between them, therefore the energetic influences can bleed through to the sign beside yours, depending upon your date of arrival.


If you have had chance encounters with a particular animal ally, either physically or symbolically, it may be beckoning you.

What a magickal experience serendipity is when we acknowledge it. Sadly in the modern world, you can become too busy to notice how the higher realms are attempting to interface with you. By definition, serendipity is described as: ‘ the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for’.

Indeed spirit comes seeking you even when you have not consciously asked for the interaction. Then with your wild eyes open, you begin to realise serendipity can be ever present, changing the colour hues within our reality with constant expression.


You may feel drawn to work with the wisdom of a specific ally based upon the Chakra that they represent. This is because each chakra has a set of attributes that assist our self awareness and expansion. They are how we interface with the world around us. For example: you may feel as though you lack confidence = Magpie Base chakra portal you don't have the courage to speak your truth = Kookaburra throat chakra portal you require support to navigate primordial emotions = twin snakes Sacral Chakra portal It is important to discern the priority ally that aligns with your conscious self healing work.